The annual International Conference on Peace and Conflict Resolution at Tehran University is a platform for exchanging opinions and proposing new ideas about peace studies and conflict resolution techniques and skills. This conference aims to provide a platform for experts and those concerned in this field with different religious, ethical, psychological, sociological, art, media, human rights, environmental, etc. approaches to share their knowledge and experiences and to synergize. Therefore, innovative articles with various theoretical and methodological frameworks and with a practical and problem-solving approach will have the opportunity to be presented in the present conference.

Abstract Submission Deadline
Abstract Acceptance Notification
Conference Start Date
Conference End Date
Ali Akbar Alikhani
Founder of the Conference Secretariat and Scientific Secretary

Welcome Message

On behalf of the Secretariat of ICPCR at University of Tehran, I am honored and delighted to welcome and invite you to the 5Th International Conference on Peace and Conflict Resolution.

The Middle East has usually been a tense region. Extremism and violence not only do not solve any problems, they make the situation worse. We invite all scholars, professors, and those interested in peace to participate in this conference to help strengthen the discourse of peace, friendship, and tolerance and to present their academic solutions to solve problems and crises.

With your active participation in this conference, we can have successful meetings and discussions. We look forward to your new ideas.

My colleagues at the conference secretariat at University of Tehran will take care of all the steps and plans for your trip to Tehran.

The permanent secretariat of the conference is located in the Faculty of World Studies, University of Tehran. The venue of the conference is also in the same faculty, however, any change in the venue will be notified to the participants before the conference.

Faculty of World Studies
Northern Campus
University of Tehran
North Kargar Street
Tehran, Iran

Tel: +98 (21) 8863 0862
Fax: +98 (21) 88352601